Brief History:
Of the many incarnations that “The Christ” assumed in order to serve the human condition, one is Melchizedek, a totally balanced being— as a Priest and as a King— and spiritually androgynous. Being more “spirit” than “physical”, he/she appeared on the Earth without a birth experience, wrote The Book of Job and the teachings on the principle of “The Law of One”. Upon completing his physical work, through true spontaneous combustion, he left the earth plane. Melchizedek is beloved by many faiths, as a great teacher and prophet. The “School of the Prophets” and the Essene Order are a result of his earthwork.
Some Biblical References
Melchizedek (mel-kiz-e-dek) or Melchizedek (mel-ke-ze-dek)
Psalms 110 : 4
Genesis 14 : 18-20
Acts 10 : 35
Ezra 2 : 59-62
Hebrews 5: 7-10, 6 : 19-20, 7 : 1-17
Organization Information
We hold annual gatherings in Upper New York State. Attendance is not required, but it is helpful to link up with other Priests for support and assistance. However, your ultimate commitment is between you and God.
HOW we serve is through Free Will and Individual Expression.
WHY we serve is to aid transformation.
WHAT we serve is the planet and all therein.
WHERE we go from here is to continue to renew our vow through the practice of spiritual principles on a day-to-day basis and in a down-to-earth, practical fashion to KEEP IT SIMPLE AND KEEP IT SACRED.
If you would like to arrange to sponsor Dan to come to your area to perform ordinations, give classes or talks, do reading or if you would like a copy of his itinerary to see if he is scheduled to be in a place convenient for you, please call or write for details. Arrangements can be made for special lectures, workshops and individual private consultations, which offer support and information on a variety of subjects.